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Negative Ion Store

Green Calcite Rough

Green Calcite Rough

Regular price $ 5.50
Regular price Sale price $ 5.50
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Green Calcite works with the Heart Chakra to bring emotional balance and a knowledge of Divine Love. A peaceful stone, It can help one to look at situations differently, with the knowledge that, whether good or bad, "this too shall pass". Great for body layouts, Green Calcite can be placed directly on the Heart Chakra to forge a better connection between the Nadis and Chakras. Physically, it stimulates the immune system.
Helpful for reaching mental balance, Green Calcite helps dissolve old energy patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back. Use to help let go of comfortable old programs that you may be holding on to but which no longer serve you. Green Calcite can provide supportive energies during times of mental changes or big transitions. Rigid old ideas can manifest as bone issues in the body, thus useful for bone, ligament, and joint issues.

1 to 1 1/2 inch +/- in diameter.

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