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Negative Ion Store

Super 7 Rough

Super 7 Rough

Regular price $ 18.00
Regular price Sale price $ 18.00
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Purifies, balances and energizes all of the Chakras and Auric bodies. Aligns the Chakras to the highest vibration. Heightens the vibration of any other crystal in its vicinity. Aids spiritual and psychic workers to take their talents to the next level higher. Super Seven crystals are quartz crystals that encompass 7 different mineral variations that synergistically produce a therapeutic frequency far ahead. The seven minerals in super seven crystals are Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Geothite, Rutile, Smokey Quartz, and Lepidocrocite.

2 inch to 2 1/2 inches +/- in diameter.

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